Water soluble vitamins

Water soluble vitamins are:

B – a class (complex) of several vitamins (chemically different substances, but often found in the same foods)

  • sources in general: meat, yeast, whole grain cereals, legumes (also beer, but since alcohol consumed prevents the absorption of vitamins, the vitamin will be ineffective)
  • function in general: cellular metabolism
  • individual B vitamins are: B1B2 (G), B3 (PP), B5B6B7 (H), B9 (M), B12

C (ascorbic acid)

  • sources: fruit (especially sour taste fruit such as rose hips, currant, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits – ascorbic acid tastes sour), vegetables (especially broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)
  • function: antioxidant, white blood cell production, immunity, collagen formation (tendons, joints, ligaments – eg around the teeth), iron absorption
  • deficiency: weak immunity, scurvy
  • RDI: about 70mg (athletes need higher intake, up to 150mg, especially due to oxidative stress arising from physical activity)

G,H,M,PP are other designations for different B vitamins.

Vitamin P is sometimes mentioned, which denotes flavonoids (bioflavonoids) – plant substances (mostly effective antioxidants) found mainly in dark berries or citrus fruits.

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