Reasonable weight loss principles – II.


In this article, I would like to show you the most common mistakes people make, why they make them, and how to avoid them.

This topic is discussed very often, but it is also often misunderstood. I will try to explain this subject so that even beginners can understand it.

Today’s time is very hasty and people often do not put their health among the priorities. In the morning they get to work where they spend eight or more hours a day. Then they come home and sit down to the TV, or go with friends for coffee. Time goes fast. In many cases, the work also takes away the time we should spend for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. Irregular diet, lack of sleep and stress take their toll.

The human body is a perfect organism, and we have to take care of it. If you do it right, it will come back to you – and of course if you don’t care about it, the same rule applies. People tend to ask me: how is it that I have gained weight – though I eat only once or twice a day? Often the story of the so-called yo-yo effect is repeated. I have also encountered very radical methods of weight loss, which can result in serious health problems.

Let’s take a little look at how to do it properly and avoid the frequent mistakes mentioned.

First and foremost, we must realize that if we want to live a healthy and full-fledged life, we have to change our eating habits. Nor can it be done without healthy physical activity. In this respect, the saying “a healthy spirit in a healthy body” applies.

What I consider to be the most important thing when discussing with a client is the right diet setting. I do not recommend setting your eating plan on your own unless you have experience in the field of nutrition. It happens that incorrect diet settings can also lead to health problems.

People oftentimes tend to radically stop eating, or eat too much, which in both cases is a mistake. Let’s repeat the examples from the previous article: imagine a man who wants to lose weight. All day he is working on the construction site. He decides to stop eating carbohydrates and fats to lose some weight. It would be a huge mistake, because he needs to have a diet plan set so that it has both carbs and fats well balanced with his energy expenditure in physically demanding work.

Opposite case: Suppose a man is sitting in the office and the eating plan is set up just like the construction worker’s plan. For his metabolism, such a diet would have a completely different effect from that of a physically working man. Therefore, you should not embark on an eating plan until you have professional experience.

“But I don’t eat so much…”

A very common problem is that people say, “but I don’t really eat much…” Paradoxically, this can be a frequent problem of overweight. Try to imagine an ordinary day. You get up in the morning, eat up a quick breakfast (sometimes not), run to work and if you miss breakfast, you just buy some baguette on the pump. Of course, there is a lot of work to do, and so sometimes the lunch is possible at as late as 2 pm. After work, you will get home at 8 pm (or later) and get hungry at night, so you will just start to eat what you see in the refrigerator. Then you go to sleep and in the morning you quickly run to the work again. Does that sound familiar?

Let’s now see how your body works in this case. This is precisely the case when someone gains weight, though he eats little. Your body did not get breakfast, it only received a baguette, late lunch, and dinner before sleep. Now imagine that the body works like a pendulum. Because you gave him very little, in an irregular manner, the body begins to defend itself. It’ll start making reserves because it’s afraid it won’t get anything again. Of course, the largest fat deposit will be stored at night when the body is preparing for sleep and regeneration.

How to do it right and avoid this problem?

It will require to concentrate a little, but nothing that can’t be done. As you may have noticed, regularity plays a very important role. I know most of you have a time problem (guarding your meal time), but we can handle it somehow. The ideal number of meals a day is five.

Breakfast is very important. It’s a catalyst for a new day. I will not state exactly what they should contain – as I mentioned, it depends on the particular client and his specifics.

Follows the snack (also called elevenses or the second breakfast). Many people skip this part of their diet. I think it’s quite important – although I know most of you don’t have time. Feel free to have some fruit or protein bar.

Lunch is approaching, where one should eat so that he or she is saturated. Specific food depends on the client and his lifestyle.

Afternoon snack follows. Here I do not recommend anything containing fat or sugar, but it is not a fixed rule, it depends on the client’s lifestyle as well.

The last meal is the supper where the body should get something easy to digest, as it only regenerates and relaxes. Feel free to eat something even with higher protein content.

This is (in short) what a common man’s diet should look like, of course, individually adjusted. Hopefully I have clarified some common mistakes, how to avoid them and not hurt your body and health.