
Alcohol (more specifically ethyl alcohol or ethanol – C2H5OH) is consumed as part of alcoholic beverages. These are divided into three groups:

Energy contained in 1g of alcohol: 7 kCal

Alcohol itself (ethanol) is produced by fermentation from simple carbohydrates (except lactose). It is a by-product of the metabolism of single-cell fungi – yeast.

The body uses the energy from alcohol with less efficiency, in addition, excessive consumption of alcohol affects other processes in the body in an undesirable way and depletes it, for example:

  • dehydration (impaired renal function causes water deficiency in the body
  • the formation of acetaldehyde, a toxic substance responsible for nausea
  • increasing the amount of free radicals and LDL cholesterol cells
  • impairment of immunity
  • demineralization (especially cheaper alcohol is supplemented with distilled water that binds minerals)
  • blocking the action of vitamins and remaining minerals
  • deterioration of digestive function (irritation of the gastric mucosa)
  • impairment of other processes

Therefore, alcohol is not used as a source of energy in relation to health and fitness.

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