
Carbohydrates are generally compounds C and H2O, i.e. carbon and water (hence carbohydrates). They serve as a rapidly available source of energy for the body, in the following forms:

  • blood glucose (approx. 25g)
  • muscle glycogen (approx. 300-400g)
  • liver glycogen (about 100g)

Glycogen stocks are very roughly 500g, or 2000kCal, which is about 50x less than the fat stores.

Carbohydrates are found only in plant foods. They are divided into:

Energy contained in 1g carbohydrates: 4 kCal

Long-term excessive consumption of carbohydrates (especially the fast ones, ie those with high glycemic index) is a dangerous risk factor for metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc.). It is reported that excessive consumption is more than approximately 200-300g per day (plus the amount corresponding to energy expenditure by physical activity). In the case of high fat intake (low carbohydrate diet, paleo), this level is significantly lower, in line with the type of diet.

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