
DPM Crew – why did we arise and what is our goal?

A little introduction to the issue of DPM crew and its individual members, how did it all begin, how did we get together, and what is waiting for all of us.

Most often supplements used

Today on the topic of supplementation: when is it appropriate to start with it, and whether at all, at what stage of your training... Martin explains, moderated by Karin

Paul – a journey from introvert to bodybuilding vice-champion

And here we have the last member of our gang, Paul. Did he always look like this, or did it require some work to achieve it? You can find out in the video :)

How to gain muscle

Today on the topic of gaining muscle mass: is it possible to gain it or not? how long does it take? is there a difference between men and women? what can we do for it?

First day in preparation

Roberto is getting ready for the competition and will accompany you throughout the process. Watch the opening part of our series - the first day in preparation.


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